
AIKnowThatSong- Why?

  DallE2 can be amazingly powerful.  People who take time and effort to sculpt the perfect prompt can tell it exactly what to do and create images of things that could never possibly exist, even though they may have no drawing capability at all. There are questions as there are with all AI applications.  How much livelyhood is this going to take aware from those who actually have artistic ability? For me, I don't care so much about creating anything that could be considered art, or that any real artist should be threatened by. I am much more interested in the inner workings of a machine that can almost think.  It can almost understand, but not quite.  Sometimes it seems like it picks up context, other times it feels completely alien and not connected to anything.  This is going to be a place where I will capture what I feel are the most interesting either interpretations or misinterpretations of the prompts that I enter. A long and detailed prompt might loo...